Steps to fill up the form:
Step 1:
After receiving Access Token, you need to enter the appropriate information into each field.
Copy the organization name from Fathom licence details. This is autofilled.
License Code:
This is the license code associated with your Fathom account. This is autofilled.
API/Client Key:
This is not required for roster data import. This is required for LTA application which is in development phase.
API/Client Secret:
This is not required for roster data import. This is required for LTA application which is in development phase.
School's Canvas URL:
This is the canvas URL of your school.
Check the link for details
Access Token:
Generate from your school canvas interface.
Click to see the process
Nightly Sync:
This option enables a sync every night to pull over any changes from Canvas to Fathom
Reads. If you only want to do a one time data transfer, uncheck nightly sync.Otherwise, you can leave this option checked.
Step 2:
Save the form. After reviewing the configuration details, Fathom support team will give you the access to manual sync.
Or you can ask support team to do the manual sync.